A Travellerspoint blog

Japan 🇯🇵

November 2023

sunny 28 °C

🇯🇵 Kurayoshi, Japan
From Hong Kong it was the best opportunity to hope over to see some old friends Christian and Jaja in Japan, and their two lovely dogs Sharkey and George. And by hop I mean a 4 hour plane and a 4 hour train! Trying to figure out trains at 10.30pm at night in Japan was quite an experience 😆 but I made it.
We had some tasty craft beers in the local brewery on the Friday followed by an all you can eat and drink hot pot restaurant. Saturday we had home made pizzas and a Halloween party. Then on Sunday Christian and I hiked up Mount Mitoku which is a sacred mountain and temple complex some 1,300 years old. A few hairy moments clambering over rocks and tree roots with chains but the view at the top is simply stunning! The mysterious temple Nageiredo built on stilts inside the mouth of a cave, how they managed to build it there is incredible. 🛕 That evening we then went to a nude mixed gender Onsen (hot springs) which is what the local town is famous for. What an experience! Located outside and next to restuarants locals often look out the windows and have a little giggle. And it's bloody hot! But so relaxing. 🧖‍♂️
Finishing the the day with delicious fried chicken and Ramen, and our normal nightly walk with the dogs up to the "Alcohol Vending Machine" which offers a selection of cold beers and sake. Although there is a sign to say no under 20s to use this machine, there's no ID required...ha!


Posted by Stereomanic 01:27 Archived in Japan

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